Great Detox Tools

Saunas, Steam Baths, and Whirlpools
The heat and moisture not only help tissues relax, but the overall process can enhance your metabolism and circulation, and help oxygenate your tissues so that you feel more balanced.
Since our skin is a major organ of elimination, sweating out the toxins can help us detox - especially if you don't sweat on a regular basis. Wearing certain synthetic materials, staying outside in the sun too often for long periods
of time, and being too sedentary can all weaken your skin's ability to get rid of toxic buildup. Steam baths are great for detoxifying your water-based organs.
So if you have lung, kidney, or bladder problems - respiratory congestion, bladder or kidney infections, or the tendency to develop kidney stones - a steam bath with some essential oil can also be beneficial.
Whirlpools or Jacuzzis are recommended for lymphatic and neurological problems, including swollen glands or any nervous system disorders ranging from back pain to carpal tunnel syndrome. However, you'll want to make sure it's not loaded full of chlorine and other harmful chemicals, as that will defeat the whole purpose. Ideally, you'll also want to use filtered water to avoid as many contaminants as possible.
If you've never taken a sauna before, you want to spend only a few minutes in there - about four minutes tops. Then, for each subsequent sauna, add about thirty seconds, and slowly work your way up to somewhere between fifteen and thirty minutes. The reason for this is because the detoxification process can in some cases be severe, depending on your toxic load.
Have you tried using Epsom salts and Essential Oils in your bath or face steamer at home?
Great Recipe in under 10 minutes!
What to know more about toxins and how they accumulate and what we can avoid?
Toxins can accumulate from eating processed foods and are also from our surroundings. Volumes of books could be written on modern-day toxic exposures, and while it may be impossible to list every possibility, if you avoid the most notorious offenders, you'll be way ahead of the game. In general, this includes tossing out your toxic household cleaners, personal hygiene products, air fresheners, bug sprays, lawn pesticides, and insecticides, just to name a few, and replacing them with non-toxic alternatives. In terms of specific toxins, some of the most hazardous yet commonly encountered ones include:
- Mercury - found in dental amalgams and fish.
- Fluoride - found in toothpaste, fluoridated water, and non-organic food (due to the widespread use of fluoride-based pesticides. For example, conventionally grown iceberg lettuce can contain as much as 180 pm of fluoride - 180 times higher than what's recommended in drinking water).
- EMFs - Electromagnetic field exposures are becoming increasingly pervasive and they can interact unfavourably with your biology.
Extract from and great book recommendation for more information: