About me...Becky, Co-Founder of BCALM
My Journey starting in 2018
BCALM wellbeing's journey all began when I started going to body balance classes at my local gym to find inner peace to understand more about myself and what calming down meant in the dash society, we live in....a little slice of me time.
From there I started to learn to teach body balance to share in helping other people’s wellbeing, realising exercise was not just about keeping fit but for mindfulness.
The 2020 lock down…
I managed to still fulfil my dream by becoming certified in body balance over zoom! One evening I plucked up the courage to reply to a local community post about outdoor wellbeing classes. Becky's Body Balance was born and really enjoyed helping others in their wellbeing journey, it was so uplifting and what more could we do as a family to support the community or even further outreach!
I certainly felt lockdown for me was a time to hit the reset BCALM button of life to slow down from the overwhelming nature of lock down.
The only thing to calm me was to start practicing body balance and meditation when the house was sleeping with my diffuser. Realising that sometimes it is nice to have elegant items in the house why not create the calm for others?
Rewinding back before my beautiful family I qualified in a first-class BA honours degree from Brunel University in Industrial design and technology. What better way to utilise my product design knowledge to create a beautiful product for wellbeing. Thinking about how it is used in the home with health benefits with minimal effort, especially for anyone that leads a hectic life schedule!
Richie and I met on a night out in a club called Valentinos! (very fitting name!) I can't believe from this moment what we have achieved so far in the dash of life. More than a decade on we are blessed with two beautiful daughters Bella and Betsy as well as Pixie cat and Dolly dog. As most couples we certainly can be apples and oranges, but we share the same values of life and this amazing combination helped the dream of BCALM be possible. Our common goals in life are all about health and happiness.
We knew our main goal was to support the wellbeing of others, sustainability and to understand the health benefits of natural essential oils to breathe in the calm. We also wanted to support a charity close to our hearts CALM a leading movement against suicide. Every week 125 people in the UK takes their own lives. And 75% of all UK suicides are male. Lets talk about those invisible battles we are all fighting to help become a calming, communicative community.
Our combined careers cover most elements of creating a brand and running a business, but we know our strengths and our limitations equally. We surrounded ourselves with local people who we could learn from and worked out where we needed specialist support.
The dream to Be Collectively All Living Mindfully. We will continue to be free and develop ways to bring calm to your home and support you on your wellbeing journey.
Healthy Wishes