The amazing qualities of Pure Organic Lemon Essential Oil
Like a burst of sunshine through the clouds, fresh and clean, our Lemon organic essential oil is cold pressed from Italy and full of vitality.
Journaling tips for helping us reconnect to ourselves
What is Journaling?
It's simply writing down your thoughts and feelings to understand them more clearly. Reconnecting with ourselves on past, present and future, whether it would be plans or just a moment to reflect on our feelings and mood. It helps us to anchor ourselves and bring calm in that current moment and helps us build resilience.
Migraine support
"A little plant power changed my life" Essential Oils was the catalyst for a huge transformation in what I put into my body and onto my skin. Looking back it now seems so obvious! And it's my mission to help support you.
How to store your pure organic essential oils
Essential oils are perfect for your wellness journey. Learning the dos and don’ts of storing them is just one important way to protect your wellness and their benefits.
About me...Becky, Co-Founder of BCALM
BCALM well beings journey all began when I started going to body balance classes at my local gym to find inner peace to understand more about myself and what calming down meant in the dash society we live in....a little slice of me time.
The Amazing Qualities of Pure Organic Lavender Essential Oil
There are so many ways to use Lavender essential oil as part of your routine. Tips & Tricks on how to use!