The amazing qualities of Pure Organic Lemon Essential Oil

Growing up, we have all heard our mothers and grandmothers tell us to drink lemon water in the morning to stay healthy. And guess what, they were right. Lemons are full of nutrients, including vitamin C, B-complex, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and fibre. Dilute it with water and have it first thing in the morning, and wait for around 20 minutes before having breakfast to fully reap the health benefits of lemon water.
Lemon juice is full of vitamin C, which keeps the immune system strong and helps manage stress. So when you feel stressed or tired, have a glass of lemon water to feel refreshed.
Did you know the smell of lemon and all citrus fruits help fight fatigue and depression? smelling for just 10 minutes can boost your mood!
Why not pop on our refreshing Lemon essential oil too for that morning uplift you deserve at this time of year. Lemon organic essential oil is astringent, antibacterial, refreshing and a skin tonic. It is revitalising and uplifting helping to keep a clear mind. Lemon organic essential oil has proven to be highly beneficial in skincare encouraging the skin to remain healthy and vibrant.
Like a burst of sunshine through the clouds, fresh and clean, our Lemon organic essential oil is cold pressed from Italy and full of vitality, packing an aroma punch of up to 100 undiluted drops of happiness.. The aroma of lemon conjures up thoughts of cleansing, detoxifying and clearing. It is a lovely stimulating oil that can help clear emotional overload and revive fatigued spirits. Lemon organic essential oil has proven to be highly beneficial in skincare encouraging the skin to remain healthy and vibrant too perfect for helping adapt to any change of season.
Lemon essential oil is reported to increase the activity of the immune system and has good antiseptic and anti-infectious properties. An excellent addition to home cleaning blends and in the diffuser to help treat colds and flu. Lemon is also useful to treat varicose veins and broken capillaries as it supports the circulatory system and has astringent qualities. Lemon oil has been used to improve blocked arteries, reduce cholesterol and help in the treatment of cellulite.
Lemon organic essential oil is astringent, antibacterial, refreshing and a skin tonic. It is revitalising and uplifting helping to keep a clear mind. Lemon organic essential oil has proven to be highly beneficial in skincare encouraging the skin to remain healthy and vibrant.
Can help with:
- Acne - apply topically in carrier oil (wait 24hrs before going in the sunshine photosensitive)
- Anxiety - diffusing live Live Calm or lavender, peppermint and lemon rollerball travel anxiety tips read here
- Air freshener - diffusing live Live Calm
- Athletes foot - apply topically in carrier oil, foot bath
- Cellulite - apply topically in carrier oil
- Chilblains - apply topically in carrier oil
- Cleaning - household read tips here
- Corns - apply topically in carrier oil
- Depression - diffusing can help see below tips Live Calm the perfect uplift blend
- Detoxification - diffusing live Live Calm
- Disinfectant – 200ml water into a spray bottle, 10 drops of tea-tree and 5 drops of lemon oil, shake to blend (lasts 1-2 weeks with no alcohol content)
- Fatigue Sluggish - low energy Tiredness - diffusing live Live Calm
- Lymphatic system (so helpful for Richie now he has his Lymph nodes removed) apply topically in carrier oil (wait 24hrs before going in the sunshine photosensitive) roller ball
- Skincare - dull,oily,spotty,congested roller ball (wait 24hrs before going in the sunshine photosensitive)
- Varicose Veins roller ball
- Verrucas roller ball
- Warts roller ball
MAIN BENEFIT: Its vitality properties
USEFULNESS: A must see above list!
Botanical Name: Citrus Lemon Peel Oil
Source: Italy
Aroma: A light, fresh and sweet aroma.
Method of Extraction: Cold Pressed
There are so many ways to use Lemon essential oil as part of your routine. Tips & Tricks on how to use:
- Diffuser: Add 5-8 drops to 100ml cool water in your diffuser. Or use with other BCALM organic pure essential oils, to blend some magic depending on your mood! A few drops of Lemon, Peppermint, and tea tree is an amazing blend to help boost our immunity
- Pillow talk: A few drops of Lemon on your pillow will help skin vitality.
- Quick fix: A few deep inhalations from the bottle or a few drops on our diffuser keyring can help when you are at work, in the car or anytime you need a quick energy boost or something nice to smell away from unwanted aromas out and about!
- Shower: Add 2-3 drops to the corner of the shower and enjoy the benefits of steam inhalation.
- Bath: Add 2-3 drops of Lemon in a dispersant such as oil, to the bath to create a revitalising atmosphere while nourishing your skin.
- Topically: Mix 1 drop with 5ml carrier oil (sweet almond recommended) in our Roller Ball and apply to wrists, chest or back of the neck. Smells like lemon sherbert sweets!
- Hand or foot bath: Add 2 drops to a bowl of water. Lemon may be useful in the treatment of nail infections or gout.
- Compress: Add 2 drops to a bowl of water. For treating inflammation or to cool down use cold to room temperature water. For aching tight muscles use warm to hot water. Agitate a face cloth in the water, wring out excess moisture and apply cloth to the affected area. Repeat two or three times as the compress cools down or warms up.
- Steam Treatment: Add 2 drops of essential oil to a bowl of steaming hot water. Place your face close to the bowl and cover the back of your head and bowl with a towel to trap the aromatic vapours. Caution due to risk of burns or scalding and keep eyes covered during treatment.
- Disinfectant – 200ml water into a spray bottle, 10 drops of tea-tree and 5 drops of lemon oil, shake to blend
Lemon Essential Oil: Blends well with peppermint, lavender, geranium and eucalyptus.
Lemon is considered a safe essential oil (pregnancy, children). However, it may cause skin irritation and phototoxicity. Avoid sun exposure after topical application. If using lemon essential oil to treat the face, or any skin, it is best to apply in the evening or avoid sun exposure after application.
There are some family members and our pets that may need oils to be more diluted.
Babies and young children, pregnant and breast-feeding mothers, the frail and the elderly. Topical applications need to be at much lower dilutions, as low a 1% (1 drop in 10ml of carrier oil) and not all essential oils are recommended. This oil can be used safely.
Please see our faq here and if you unsure always take advise from a clinical aromatherapist for best practise.
Sending healthy wishes 💚
references: health line